If you own a dog, you may be wondering which dog breeds make pet insurance necessary. In fact, a recent study by AdvisorSmith found that some dog breeds cost more to insure than others. You should know your breed before you choose a policy for your pup. For example, there are three basic types of dog breeds: pedigree, mixed breed, and crossbreed. Some of the more popular pedigrees are German shepherds, bulldogs, and Labradors.
The best way to determine if your dog needs pet insurance is to consult your veterinarian and learn about the diseases that are common among certain breeds. You should also be aware of common problems and illnesses that your breed may have, such as hip dysplasia and joint disease. Some policies may also exclude coverage for certain dog breeds. This is why it is important to choose your policy carefully. You should find a plan that has the coverage benefits you need and fits your budget.
Although liability coverage is generally included in homeowner’s insurance, some insurers don’t cover large or dangerous dog breeds. If you are a renter with a dog, check the policy to make sure that you’re covered in this situation. However, you should be aware that certain insurance companies won’t cover certain breeds because of specialized needs. Make sure that you pay attention to breed specific requirements before you purchase a policy for your dog.