In an ideal world, you would be covered by more than the minimum required by law, but the truth is that you shouldn’t limit yourself to the state minimum. In many cases, it is possible to save money on your car insurance if you only have liability coverage. However, minimum coverage does not cover the full cost of an accident, so you might be better off getting comprehensive or collision insurance instead.
Liability coverage is the minimum car insurance you must have for legal driving in your state. It covers any damages you cause to other people or property when you’re at fault in an accident. In most states, liability insurance is required for all drivers. However, there are several exceptions, so it’s always a good idea to shop around to see what your state’s minimum coverage is. You can compare rates online to find the best price for your state’s minimum insurance requirements.
If you’re driving in New York, you should know that this state has very low minimum requirements for car insurance. For example, if you’re driving without car insurance, you should not drive in New York. Moreover, the liability limits in New York are so low that you might soon exhaust your coverage in a serious accident. If you’re involved in a collision, the limit of $25,000 could quickly be exhausted. And if you cause more damages than that, you could be personally responsible for the rest.