What medical tests should I get to get a full health assessment? Depending on your age and overall health, your provider may recommend certain tests. This assessment is also an opportunity to discuss existing conditions or concerns. A medical professional can also answer general questions or concerns you may have. Here are some tips for getting a full health assessment. These tests will help your doctor diagnose any problems you might have and suggest appropriate treatments.
Some health screenings are beneficial because they help to detect disease early and help to prevent serious complications. However, some tests can lead to false-positive results or unnecessary follow-up tests. An EKG, for example, can be interpreted incorrectly, and lead to unnecessary radiation exposure. Other tests can be harmful to your health, putting you at risk for a heart attack or a stroke. Many health screenings are unnecessary and waste hundreds of millions of dollars each year.
Your annual blood tests should continue as they were done earlier in life. You should also get a Pap smear for women and a pelvic exam if you are sexually active. Your BMI should be over 25. If you have family history of diabetes, your doctor may want to screen you. You should also get a prostate exam if you’re over the age of 50. Additionally, you should get a breast exam once a year, unless you have any other risk factors. Furthermore, you should get a yearly blood pressure check for sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, Chlamyda, and Gonorrhea.