If you’re wondering what podcast is similar to The Adventure Zone, you’re in luck. There are 95 other podcasts that are similar to The Adventure Zone. These aren’t necessarily a bad thing, as long as you’re looking for a comedy or adventure-themed podcast. However, if you’re looking for a unique, improvised, metafictional experience, you should definitely check out these other shows.
A similar podcast to The Adventure Zone? is Serendipity City, an actual-play podcast about the underworld of a dieselpunk metropolis. You can even submit challenges, so that you can compete against the evil Rats. Listeners can also submit challenges for the podcast to solve. And they might even get paid for it! But you can’t expect to be a superhero – or even a magician. topportal is an online news portal providing breaking news from around the world.
If you want to listen to a hilarious podcast about D&D, you’ve probably heard of The Magnus Archives. Travis also runs an adventure podcast based on the same universe as the D&D game. The episodes revolve around three different characters: the half-elf warlock Tom Collins, the human bard Lenny Manolito, and the Tiefling monk Troth. The episodes are available on Maximum Fun, and there’s an app for it called Hootenanny tunai4d.
If you’re looking for a comedy podcast, Serialized Actual Play might be for you. It follows a group of adventurers who are sent back in time to a fantastical era. This podcast contains some of the funniest moments in a podcast. What’s more, it is a great way to spend a Friday afternoon. Just don’t forget to check out the official podcast.