Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a complementary form of medicine that emphasizes a holistic approach to healing the body and mind. It emphasizes the patient’s role in the healing process by promoting optimal health and foundational healing. TCM includes acupuncture, which uses thin metal needles to stimulate specific points on the body. These points relieve disease symptoms and restore body functions. Btjunkie Other aspects of TCM include massage therapy and acupuncture techniques.
While the practitioner will ask about your medical history and conduct a physical exam, a TCM examination will be performed on your tongue, skin, and hair. He will check your six pulses on each wrist and assess your shen (energy). Isohunt He or she will determine whether you have an imbalance in any organ network. If the symptoms persist, your TCM practitioner will treat you accordingly using a combination of TCM techniques. However, you should always consult your health care provider first before beginning any type of treatment.
TCM is a valuable component of the health care team after a patient is discharged from the hospital. Thedigitalscale It begins the day of discharge and continues for up to 30 days. Inpatient acute care hospitals, psychiatric hospitals, Presentnews and long-term care facilities are among the possible service settings for transitional care. Once discharged, the TCM service provider will assist the patient with making medical decisions during the transition period. Claimrecoveryhelp The goal is to help the patient make a successful transition.