Have you ever restored a car and had it displayed at car shows? If so, you probably love the idea of displaying it and raking in the cash. There are many tips for exhibiting your restored car in a car show, including bringing a few practical items. Water and snacks are great additions, but you’ll also want to have items that you can use to clean and maintain your car. If you’re planning to attend a car show, you’ll also want to dress up in the period that your vehicle was built.
While the process of restoring a classic car might seem like an overwhelming task, you can find inspiration in the show’s many participants. The first step is to clean the car thoroughly. A perfect car may only need a good cleaning, while a classic car may need a thorough restoration to make it show-worthy. Before you begin the restoration process, consider how much space you’ll need. A two-car garage is the perfect workspace for you. One half of the garage can be dedicated to the car and the other can be used for storage or other tasks.
The next step is to register your car at a car show. Car shows are relaxed events, but top-level car events are held in California, Michigan, and other states. The ticket prices can be astronomical. The bigger the car show, the more competition it has. In addition, many auctions sell for record prices. For this reason, it is recommended to register your car in advance. When you’re preparing to enter a show, make sure to register your car in advance.