In addition to promoting individual growth, education also promotes social integration. In the 19th century, free compulsory education was introduced to help society develop common values. Today, children of immigrant worldnewshunt families in the United States are learning English and U.S. history as a means of integrating themselves into the American society. The English-only movement has also been promoted to promote integration.
Socialization is perhaps the most important function of education. Schools are the primary vehicle through which children learn the rules of society. These norms include respect for authority, punctuality, individualism, and amazinginfo competitiveness. Children are also taught the three R’s, or the three most basic values of society.
The purpose of an education is to prepare students for life in the real world. It is important to thewebgross remember that teachers are the primary source of change in the educational process, and that administrators and faculty should think of themselves as educators too. As more resources become available naasongs, the faculty and administrators can work together in a magazineweb360 collaborative way to make a positive impact on the lives of students.
Pedagogy is a critical dimension of education. It explains how educators teach and what students learn newmags. It is also referred to as the “science of teaching”. This field of study is an integral part of academic teacher training. Some university departments offer general fotolognews courses on pedagogy.