ScoopWhoop has been in the news lately, as a scandal has engulfed the media platform. The site, which focuses on online video curation, has been accused of offering payment platforms to a sting operation. The company denies these claims, but the investigation is ongoing. In April last year, a former employee filed a sexual harassment case against the company’s co-founder, Suparn Pandey. The company counts Bharti SoftBank as one of its major investors. It sold a 36.5 per cent stake to Bharti SoftBank in November 2014.
ScoopWhoop has grown significantly in the last three to four years, with more than two hundred employees and millions of followers on its social media accounts. The company has also launched multiple accounts that target different groups to attract a wider audience. In order to reach these audiences, ScoopWhoop aims to create more engaging content and target Millennials and gen-Z. The company is now working on its machine learning algorithm.
The founders of ScoopWhoop, two marketing agency colleagues from New Delhi, wanted to build an online media company in India. In addition to the main site, ScoopWhoop has several other properties, including the vagabomb video platform, a documentary called Unscripted, and an OK Tested video series. It has also been acquired by the Good Glamm Group, which sells direct-to-consumer beauty products.