If you’ve purchased a new phone, you may be wondering: “How to login to my current Instagram account with phone?” It’s easier than you think. Once you’ve transferred your account from your old device, you’ll simply need to log in using your current username and password on the new device. Thankfully, this process only takes a few minutes.
If you don’t want to switch devices or have an issue with your phone’s operating system, you can also change your email address to one that is compatible with Instagram. Once you’ve verified your email address and phone number, you can then login with the new phone. You’ll be required to enter the confirmation code that you received via text message to ensure that you’re logged in.
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First, you’ll need to create a new username and password. If you have an existing account, Instagram will warn you and give you an option to change it. Using the same username and password as before isn’t recommended unless you are sure of your username and password. It’s also best to use your current phone number when possible, as this can be a more convenient option.