If you’re wondering how to block a specific app on Android, you’re not alone. Many of us are guilty of being distracted by our phones – a notification from a messaging app can lead to ten minutes of phone usage! Blocking apps from accessing the internet is an effective way to curb our digital addictions, and you don’t have to uninstall them either. Read on to learn how to block a specific app on Android.
You can block a specific app on Android by using parental controls. Google offers an official app called “Google Family Link,” which parents can install on their children’s phones. By using Google Family Link, you can restrict the content your children can see, and even block apps that are already installed on the child’s phone. www afilmywap gg You must be a parent to use this app, but you can also block apps that your children already have installed on their devices.
To block apps from accessing your data, go into your device’s settings and enable the Focus mode. Focus mode is a manual switch for blocking multiple apps at once. tunai4d While it doesn’t allow you to schedule automatic pauses, it’s ideal for quick switching between apps. Simply select the apps that you want to block and press the “Turn On Now” button to enable this mode. After you have finished your settings, you can continue using your phone.