There is evidence that aerobic exercise helps to lower blood pressure. It requires a steady heartbeat and deep breathing. Exercises that lower blood pressure include brisk walking and jogging. Even a little bit of gardening can lower blood pressure. You may also want to consider participating in some sort of group activity such as yoga. But don’t overdo it! Begin slow and gradually increase your level of physical activity.
Try to get 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week. This is breakable into 10-minute increments. Aim for 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week, which you can do in two or three sessions. The key is consistency. Blood pressure changes may take up to three months. You can begin slowly and increase intensity over time. Exercise may not lower blood pressure immediately, but it may be enough to reduce it to a more acceptable level.
The government recommends that people with high blood pressure engage in 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week. Moderate physical activity is 30 minutes to an hour three to five times a week. It is important to listen to your body and adjust your exercise program based on the signs you experience. Don’t engage in high-intensity aerobic activity, since this can put too much strain on your heart and blood vessels.
While cardiovascular exercise has been traditionally considered the best modality for lowering blood pressure, concurrent training is also beneficial. A meta-analysis of 64 studies on the effects of exercise on systolic blood pressure found that moderate-intensity dynamic resistance training reduced it by five to six millimeters of mercury in pre and hypertensive adults. Dynamic resistance training is the key. Try a plank and a pushup.