The French chateau show, Escape to the Chateau, is back with a brand new series on Channel 4 this October. This acclaimed show follows the Strawbridge family as they renovate a 19th century chateau in Mayenne, France. The series has been shown in more than 40 countries, but it has never been broadcast in the United States. Dick and Angel are renowned for their honesty and charming personalities, so fans are sure to enjoy the new season.
The series begins with Angel and Dick buying a crumbling French chateau. The duo sets out to renovate the historic building and bring it back to its 19th-century glory. As they work to restore the chateau, they encounter unexpected challenges, from the melting wedding cake to the leaky boat. But despite all the setbacks, the show is full of heart-warming moments and memorable family stories. And what’s more, the show is highly recommended.
Angel Strawbridge, Dick’s wife, is the co-host on the show. The couple married in 2015 and have since been renovating the French chateau. Dick Strawbridge is a former Lieutenant Colonel in the British Army, so he has some experience in both food and engineering. He takes on the challenges of the chateau’s owners, as well as a variety of other tasks. The show is not currently available for bookings, but it is airing every Sunday at 8pm on Channel 4.